What I Do

Customised Workshops in Leadership Communication

Managers may well be skilled at their jobs but can they communicate with clarity, authority, confidence and authenticity?

All managers will find themselves representing themselves and your business at some stage and their ability to engage and persuade in vital face to face moments will have measurable impact on both their performance & the business performance. Let me help them to reach a level that allows you all to win more regularly in those situations that matter.

  • Presentation & Presence
  • Negotiation
  • Effective Meetings
  • Media Management
  • Facilitation & Train the Trainer

Facilitation for Business Planning Development

Are you a leader who’d prefer to participate in your business planning session with your team rather than trying to lead it and participate too?

Just as some managers gravitate towards working in their businesses rather than on their businesses, many people would rather participate in a team planning session than try to lead it and contribute too.

It takes a great deal of effort and focus to produce a robust and thoughtful plan, especially one that goes beyond the company template and identifies the real areas for change and future focus and direction.

Let me help your business with the preparation, time management, levels of participant engagement & focus, approaches, and process design to ensure that your business plan becomes a meaningful document that gears your business performance for success.

Preparation for Critical Communication Events

Would you engage an independent coach or adviser to help you nail that moment when you or your brand is in the spotlight?

There is always a cost associated with success or failure, especially when the communication stakes are high.

Not everyone knows how to prepare to face the media in a crisis, to present a keynote address at a board meeting, conference or product launch; to find innovative ways of using time when you’ve bought the business team together, or to present your business at an IPO Roadshow or New Business Pitch.

If you feel having an expert opinion and some experience involved can make a difference to your performance when the margins between success or failure are tight, let me help.